czwartek, 7 marca 2013

Wake UP Ireland - Konferencja Piątek i Sobota ( 9-10.03.2013 )

W ten Piątek i Sobotę ( 09-10.03.2013 ) w kościele Solid Rock w Inchicore w Dublinie
odbędzie się fajna ponad denominacyjna konferencja - Wake up Ireland ( Obudź się Irlandio ).
Zachęcam każdego bardzo gorąco.

W sobotę około godz. 19:30 razem z grupą kilkunastu osób przedstawiamy dramę jako: Polska Społeczność Chrześcijan w Dublinie.

Zachęcam każdego bardzo gorąco do uczestniczenia w tej konferencji. Można poznać wspaniałych ludzi i spędzić niezapomniany czas z Panem Bogiem.

Miejsce z mapą dojazdu oraz opis wydarzenia:
Mapa miejsca wydarzenia

Poniżej program spotkania po angielsku.

Registration: 4:30- 6:30pm
Doors Open at 6pm

Pre-entertainment 6-7pm
Main Meeting: 7pm- 9:15pm

Worship: The Remission Flow
24-7 (8 min presentation)
Human drama
Speaker: Alain Emerson

Late night hangout: 9:30- 11:30pm
Richie Gardiner and Toto Delmonte (dj, dance, etc)
Prayer room
Game room
Food court (Jamal 5 n 1, mr Hobbs coffee, Boyne Valley Ice Cream)

Introduction to the day: 9am
1st workshop: 9:30- 10:30am
Ludie Creech- Beyond the four walls (evangelism) Part 1
Jivko- tomorrow generation (youth leaders)
Jonny- Did Jesus really have Pantene looking hair!? (Youth)
Daniel R- Could Beyonce be a part of your worship team?

Main meeting: 11- 12:30pm
Worship: Aaron Ferris
Spirit Radio (5 min presentation)
Speaker: Dana Holloman

Lunch: 12:30- 2pm (Jamal 5 n 1, mr Hobbs coffee, Boyne Valley Ice Cream)

2nd workshop: 2:15- 3:15pm
Ludie Creech- Beyond the four walls (evangelism) Part 2
Rick Hill- The Urban Christian (youth)
Nick- Be the Salt NOT the pepper (young adults)
Wilson Beare- Don't Make History, Change The Future (Yth leaders)

3rd workshop: 3:30- 4:30pm
Ludie Creech- Beyond the four walls (evangelism) go into Dublin Part 3
Jivko and Wilson- Youth Leading.....what? (Yth leaders)
Nick Park- Like it, Want it, Need it....LoVe!
Don Chavis- From person to paper
Richie- How can God use you in radio?

Dinner: 4:30- 6pm. (Jamal 5 n 1, mr Hobbs coffee, Boyne Valley Ice Cream)

Doors open at 6pm

Pre-entertainment 6-7pm
Main meeting: 7- 9:15
Worship: The Remission Flow
Open Doors Youth (8 min presentation)
No Limits (1 song)

Polish Christian Community in Dublin
Speaker: Noel Kenny
Late night hangout: 9:30-11:30pm
Aaron Ferris- 9:20-10:20
2nd gig in main auditorium 10:30-11:30pm

Prayer room
Game room

Food court (Jamal 5 n 1, mr Hobbs coffee, Boyne Valley Ice Cream)
Closing meeting: starting at 11am. (Dublin)
Worship: The Remission Flow
No Limits
Don Chavis
Meeting in Drogheda
Worship: Aaron Ferris
Speaker: Jivko Jeliazkov

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